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EPC Group provides expert consulting services around your organization’s data that may have specific regulatory considerations, laws and industry specific questions that must be considered because if they are ignored the organization may be open to litigation or penalties.

EPC Group’s approach covers environments that are both on-premise (private cloud), in the cloud (public cloud) or hosted in a combination with resources in both types of environments in a “hybrid cloud” scenario.

EPC Group provides guidance and strategies and asks questions such as:


EPC Group provides over a decade of proven strategies that can help turn risk and compliance efforts into true ROI opportunities to drive sustainable underlying business value. There are emerging and systematic risks that can challenge the traditional strategies and assumptions and as the overall business and regulatory environment continues to quickly evolve, many organizations face unprecedented regulatory scrutiny.

EPC Group will work with your organization and its business leaders to provide means to balance the pursuit of corporate performance objectives all the while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements. Many organizations are seeking answers that will help them align corporate strategy and culture to protect financial and reputational assets.

This must all occur while balancing and driving both the short and long term performance goals of the organization while managing and achieve regulatory compliance.

EPC Group will provide proven strategies to develop the proper approach to identifying and managing risk in areas such as:

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