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How Do Marketers And Customers Benefit From Digital Transformation In Marketing

Digital Transformation In Marketing

Digital Transformation is a term that refers to the integration of digital capabilities into existing processes and assets which in the long run increases the efficiency of the specific organization. In the industrial sector, this concept has proven to be very beneficial in the past decade and has created its mark in the post-pandemic world. This wave of digitization can increase the efficiency and productivity of the user company and aids in increasing customer value, managing risks, and improving employee and customer experiences.

Digital Transformation in Marketing:

The concept of Digital Transformation in the marketing arena encompasses the shift from the digital complexities to the process of attaining excellence in integrating technology with the traditional marketing methods. This is accomplished by using digital means in an optimized manner. As a consequence, the digital channels are defined which allow the attainment of deep insights that are later used in improving customer experiences. The digitization of the marketing sphere can be described according to the following points:-

  • Refining the existing digital channels – Need of Digital Transformation in business for marketing is extensively depicted by the thorough review of the existing marketing tools and channels used.
  • Breaking the silos – The companies in the marketing arena need to ensure that the various digital channels work together in unison. You can start this process by using a digital transformation roadmap.
  • Optimization of customer experiences – The improved integration of digital channels helps in improving customer experiences.
Benefits of Digital Transformation and its strategy

Effects of digitization for marketers and customers:

The wave of Digitalization has several advantages for all the sectors of industry from the producer to the consumer. But the major benefits are derived by the marketers as well as the customers. These benefits can be categorized in the following manner:-

  • Benefits derived by Marketers and
  • Benefits derived by customers.

The above-mentioned categorization can be explained as follows:

Benefits derived by Marketers – These benefits can be further categorized as follows:

  • The digital transformation plan allows marketers to advertise their products and trade across the globe.
  • A well designed digital marketing plan can help marketers reach out to their customers at a lower cost.
  • Web analytics and other business intelligence / data analytics tools make it easier for marketers to analyze the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.
  • Through the digital platform, marketers can successfully track their customer base and refine their marketing techniques according to the changing customer trends.
  • The interaction with customers on social media platforms allows marketers to create a sense of loyalty among their customers. This consequently helps in building a reputation among the customers.
  • Digital Transformation in Marketing has allowed marketers to create interesting and engaging campaigns through the use of content marketing strategy. This concept of content consists of images, videos or articles that can be turned into a social currency and shared virally to make the marketing campaign a complete success.
  • The use of digital tools can be made in building a website that allows the customers to buy products easily. Subsequently, this would help in deriving financial benefits for the marketers.
Customer benefits from Digitization

Also, read – Enterprise Digital Transformation

Benefits derived by customers –

The current business intelligence statistics and trends depict the increasing inclination of customers towards the latest digital technology, social media applications, and the desire to attain a hassle-free life. The intention of deriving quick solutions to problems has inadvertently led to the increasing adoption of Digital Transformation across the globe. As the industrial sector is dependent upon customers, the experience of customers stands at the core of digitization.

This has led to the use of new-age technology like Microsoft Digital Transformation tools for improving and enhancing customer experiences. In the current competitive market, the majority of the companies worldwide recognize this need of the hour. As a result several organizations irrespective of their industrial sector, have been trying to design mature digital transformation strategies with the specific intention of improving customer experience. There are certain ways in which Digital Transformation has the capacity of influencing the customer experience for the user organization.

These can be categorized in the following manner:

  • The use of digital tools can be made in the process of designing and digitizing the journey of customers from choosing a product or service to finally availing it. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for customer service has been at forefront for helping organization with their customer journey.
  • Digital Transformation can help the user organizations in the process of deriving actionable insights. This, in turn, increases the speed and agility with which the organizations work and tend to their customer’s demands.
  • Successful integration of Digital tools with the existing working structure of companies can help build a hassle-free experience for customers. Consequently, this will also facilitate the adoption of digital channels by customers.  
  • Finally, with the help from Digital Transformation consultant, the companies can develop agility in their marketing patterns as well as in providing satisfaction to their customers.  


While Digital Transformation is essential for all industrial sectors, it is necessary to understand the importance of consistent growth and change even in the established technological structure within an organization. In the future, companies across the globe are required to improve and reiterate their marketing engine in the digital platform to stay relevant and attain a world-class digital presence.

Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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