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How to Assign a Toll-free Number in Microsoft Teams?

Audio conferencing in Office 365 and Microsoft 365 allows your team to meetings in Microsoft Teams. It also allows your team to dial in those meetings with the use of their phones. A conference link provides you a set of phone numbers for your company. Each of these phone numbers can be utilized to join the series of meetings, but you can pick which of these meetings will be counted in on their invites. 

There is a maximum of one toll-free, and one toll phone number on the meeting invites. However, there is also a link situated at the bottom of every meeting invite. This opens a complete list of all dial-in numbers that can be utilized to join a meeting. 

The phone numbers that counted in the meeting invites enabled for Audio Conferencing are well-defined by the default conferencing toll-free number user’s settings and default conferencing toll number. Every setting denotes which toll-free or toll number will be included in your team’s meeting invites. In addition, every meeting invite has one optional toll-free number, one toll number, and a link that provides access to a complete list of all dial-in phone numbers that can be utilized to enjoin a certain meeting. 

Dial In Number Microsoft Teams Meeting

For a newbie, the process on how to assign a toll-free number in Microsoft teams can be a little bit tricky. Here are some of its steps on how to do it:

It is a must to be a Teams service admin to modify these changes. You may check the administrator roles to monitor teams. The first thing you need to do is to log in to the admin center Microsoft Teams. Then, simply click “Users.” After that, click the user’s name found on the list of available users. Then, click “Audio Conferencing” and then “Edit.” Lastly, use the “Toll-free number” or “toll number” fields to type in the numbers for the user. Take note that when you alter the audio conference setting of a certain user, recurring and upcoming Microsoft Teams meetings must be updated and must be sent to every attendee. 

Admin Center Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams offers to call users straightforward. Apart from editing, removing, and assigning numbers, it also provides numerous selections to make your calling experience even better. Considering the current digital boom, when digital calls are significant for communication, According to Microsoft Teams consultants are the perfect avenue for creating an ideal connection for work. But users can only get its fullest benefits if they are familiar with its application and proper navigation. If you already know its various features and services, then this Microsoft Team is all you need to have a fast virtual, functional, and protective connection.


To use Microsoft Teams effectively, you may try and undergo MS Teams training by experts as it offers online video tutorials and instructions. The main purpose of this training is to assist you in communicating with your staff, manage shared files, track projects, and a lot more. Another best thing about this training is that it offers online and live classes intended to teach you and ensure that you are handling your team effectively. Other team training also offers self-paced type resources to assist users.

Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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