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How To Set Up A Connected System With Azure Integration Services

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Integration is a process that allows multiple systems to interoperate with each other. For example, when you connect two applications, you’re doing integration. There are four critical components of Azure Integration Services, and each serves a unique function. The components’ real potential is shown when all parts are employed together.

  • API management would receive requests.
  • Azure Service Bus would get the message and transmit it to Event Grid.
  • Event Grid would then produce an event that would cause a Logic App to launch a business process.

Occasionally, all you need to do is link together two applications directly. However, application SSIS Integration Runtime more frequently entails linking several file systems in complex ways. Businesses frequently use specialist integration platforms that offer the services required. These platforms have gone from on-premises Azure Data Factory centers to the public cloud, much like many other things in today’s world. 

Ways To Use Azure Integration Services For Maximum Impact

  • You are integrating software into your company. The apps may function in your on-site data center, the cloud, or a combination.
  • Enterprise application integration (EAI) of this sort has been crucial for many years; it is currently being modified for a hybrid world.
  • One of the biggest challenges with application integration is that you can’t connect applications in your data center. 
  • If you’re using Azure Active Directory, connecting those applications on your own on-premises Azure Data Factory, in the cloud, or a mix of both is easy.
  • Business-to-business (B2B) integration is the term for connecting apps within your company.
  • This frequently depends on standard formats like Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). These commonly used standards are supported by Azure Integration Services, as will be discussed later.
  • Another common problem with application integration is connecting to SaaS applications. 
  • As more and more corporate apps are purchased as SaaS, application integration must link to these cloud services.
  • For instance, a hybrid environment business process can require access to both your on-premises SAP system and a SaaS CRM solution like Salesforce.
  • With Azure Integration Services, it’s easy to get all this done without worrying about complex IT infrastructure or unreliable connections.
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The Four Cloud Services You Need For Integration

  1. You require a means to publish and maintain application programming interfaces as the initial cloud service (APIs). This API service enables software services to be accessed by other applications, whether hosted in the cloud or locally. As your application grows and evolves, you’ll need a way to store and access Azure Data Factory from it. The second cloud service you need is a way to store and access data.
  1. The iPaaS is an integrated platform for building, running, and managing applications. The Platform provides orchestration, typically with a graphical tool for defining the workflow’s logic. It offers a simple method for developing and running SSIS Integration Runtime logic. For instance, you could have to create a business process that depends on several programs that are all accessed by APIs. An iPaaS offers orchestration, generally with a graphical interface for specifying the workflow’s logic, to enable the creation of this sort of process.
  1. You’ll need a mechanism for apps and integration technologies to communicate in a loosely linked manner via messaging when you’re constructing a seamless, connected solution. This service holds messages in queues until the receiver can pick them up. This enables asynchronous communication between applications and integration software, even when using different technological platforms, which is frequently necessary for integration settings.
  1. A technology called event sourcing enables communication through events. For instance, getting an event regarding changes may be quicker and more effective than querying a message service queue. An event is like a message sent from one virtual machines to another through an event bus or pub-sub (publish/subscribe) system. Events are normalized message sizes that contain Azure Data Factory about state changes in systems at different levels of the application stack (e.g., from server to database).

The Four Components Of Azure Integration Services

A cohesive group of technologies is called Azure Integration Services. First, however, you must be familiar with the fundamentals of each set’s four parts to comprehend it. The following information takes you through each one, explaining what it offers and why you want to utilize it.

Azure Integration Services helps you do this in two ways: it provides tools for converting your information into a usable format by your application code and converting between formats when needed. This means that if you have some Azure Data Factory in a format that Azure Active Directory doesn’t recognize, you don’t have to wait around for a conversion tool to do its thing before processing it; instead, write some code that can handle this unknown format directly!


How to Easily Enable Integration with API Management

It’s more complicated than you may imagine making APIs accessible to other software. Exposing an application’s API directly on your Virtual Network is insufficient for many integration scenarios.

The problem is that APIs are often written in different programming languages or may use different protocols, so they can’t be exposed over a Virtual Network connection as quickly as file systems or file shares. As a result, developers will find it more difficult to access and integrate with an application’s functionality—and it also means that some integration tools don’t work with APIs. (This means that if you wish to utilize an API management solution like Envoy or Azure Active Directory Service Gateway in your integration scenario, you may need to find another tool.)

To overcome this challenge, many organizations have taken a hybrid approach: they expose their applications through APIs using a distributed storage system such as Azure Integration services and then use API management solutions such as Envoy or Azure Storage App Service Gateway as a conduit between these two pieces of infrastructure.

Azure Logic Apps

How Logic Apps Can Simplify The Way You Integrate Applications

Implementing all or a portion of a business process is frequently necessary for application integration. For example, consider a process that interacts with a cloud service like Salesforce CRM, modifies Azure Data Factory stored locally in SQL Server and Oracle databases, and launches actions in a locally installed application.

To do this, one must create original logic that executes the process’s phases. However, how ought this reasoning be developed? One approach is building it conventionally with C#, JavaScript, Java, or another computer language. However, a procedure that utilizes several programs could take some time to finish and may require breaks between phases.

Creating reasoning in situations like these by utilizing workflow technologies is frequently preferable. Logic Apps explicitly permit this. Every logic app is a workflow that carries out a particular procedure. A system-to-system operation, such as linking two or more apps, might be involved in this. Workflow technology must be understood to be used in creating logic apps.

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How Application Integration With Service Bus Makes Enterprise Messaging Work

Enterprise messaging is a critical aspect of application integration. When software is talking to other software, it has the potential to deliver real business value. But how does enterprise messaging work?

Enterprise messaging is essentially just software communicating with other software. But how should this exchange take place? An API Management direct call might be ideal in some circumstances. However, this synchronous communication method won’t work in other situations. What happens, for example, if neither program is available simultaneously? Such circumstances call for an asynchronous strategy.

Azure Service Bus offers just this form of communication. In addition, the Service Bus permits non-blocking interactions between various pieces of software since it enables programs to exchange messages through queues.

Enterprise messaging is provided by Service Bus between numerous pieces of software, such as cloud services, on-premises software, and Azure services. Asynchronous email communication is a crucial component of enterprise integration, but it’s trickier than you might think to implement well.

How Azure Event Grid works and what you can use it for

Event Grid allows you to register an event handler for a specific Azure service and then invoke that handler when the specified event occurs. This can simplify application development because it allows you to use Event Grid in conjunction with Service Bus.

Service Bus allows receiving messages from your application and sending messages to other applications—and sometimes even directly to a third party or partner. You may use this functionality to transfer data about new events in your application straight to another Azure service. For example, if you wanted to notify a third-party service that something happened, like when a client purchases something or submits a form on your website, you could use Service Bus to notify them of new events.

This is particularly helpful when working with external partners not part of the same Azure Storage ecosystem as your own company or organization. For example, suppose you have multiple teams or departments within an organization using different technologies and platforms. In that case, it may be difficult for them to talk with each other if they don’t know how each other works (or their standard processes). Using Service Bus makes it easy for these teams.

EPC Group is Helping Microsoft Azure Customers with Consulting Services

Azure Integration Services provide a very flexible, powerful, and cost-effective means of integrating your applications with on-premises and cloud applications. Utilizing this feature will enable you to create a comprehensive solution that lets you make the most of the cloud. Microsoft is dedicated resources to the ongoing development of the Azure Integration Services offering and is in a good position for the future of integration Platform as a Service.

Suppose you want to embrace Azure’s scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness without the high cost of figuring no further if you want to figure things out independently than the EPC Group’s Azure Integration Services. In addition, our Microsoft Gold Partner Consulting services help ensure you’re utilizing your IT infrastructure precisely as intended, maximizing service availability and increasing productivity.

Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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