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How To Successfully Migrate To Microsoft Teams

Successfully Migrate To Microsoft Teams

Business organizations are so done with these communication and collaboration problems which are arising regularly. In order to get over these problems for once and for all, business organizations are searching for a permanent solution to increase their communication and collaborative problems, especially for the organizations having distributed workforce. Apart from simple and regular features such as chat and normal voice calls, business organizations are looking for more comprehensive solutions which would involve easy video calls, safe file sharing, and real-time collaboration on different applications.

The solution to these big problems is the small usage of Microsoft Teams which is a part of the Microsoft Office 365 productivity suite. It automatically adds the extra benefit that organizations also get the opportunity to use other Microsoft applications which reduces the cost of using third-party applications. In the last few months, there has been a spike in the chart which represents the organizations adopting Microsoft Teams as a permanent solution for several problems like communication, scenarios arising from collaboration, mergers, acquisition, and consolidation of entities which are prompting several businesses to migrate Teams from one tenant to another. The benefits provided by Microsoft Teams as a unified communication tool can easily prompt any business to migrate to teams without any difficulties.

Migrate to Microsoft Teams

How is Microsoft Teams designed?

Microsoft Teams is one of the most powerful applications created by Microsoft to eliminate all the competition which also promised to remove the hindrances to communication and collaboration but never took any initiative to fulfill the promise. The design of Microsoft Teams can be understood by the following:-

  • All accounts on Microsoft Teams seem to use the effective Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) for efficient identity management. An Azure AD instance is created for every tenant that makes the use of Microsoft Teams.
  • A new and individual Microsoft 365 Group is created for every team which gets added to Microsoft Teams.
  • These groups would solely rely on Online Microsoft Exchange for the mailbox and calendar features.
  • A Microsoft Share Point Online site is created which instantly enables the users to store and collaborate on the shared files from the Microsoft Teams interface.
  • A Microsoft One Note notebook is created for teams in order to add their findings, commentary, and other information along with the chat data.
  •  Lastly, Microsoft Office 365 applications such as Power Business Intelligence (BI) along with third-party applications which can be easily integrated by the use connectors.

Challenges faced when migrating to Teams

There are a lot of challenges faced by users when they decide to migrate to teams. The challenges faced are an obvious cause as migrating from one application to another and then adapting to the new features may be a bit difficult. Some regular challenges faced are:-

  • Microsoft Teams stores data in different places and in different formats.
  • There may be variations in the APIs present on the application which limits itself especially for retrieving channel chat data during conversations.
  • Migrating from the Dynamic Groups from one tenant to the other tenant may result in the conversion of such groups from being Dynamic to Static groups.
  • Configuring the original settings for Microsoft Teams users in the new tenant becomes difficult for the new migrating users.

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How to get over these Challenges?

MS Teams meeting

One may find plenty of challenges to face when migrating to Microsoft Teams but overcoming these challenges is much easier than one can even think about. If a business organization wants to focus on core business activities and wants the work done by a third party, it may appoint community-built Power Shell scripts which can be used for automation as well as the proper configuration of the Microsoft Teams.

Some Microsoft office 365 components that can help with the migration process are:-

  • Teams and 365 Groups: These include the main settings along with the option to rename the groups as desired. The contents of the mail boxes of the teams which are being migrated can also be moved as a part of the migration process. This applies to Microsoft 365 groups as well. Members as well as access to external users can also be migrated to the new tenant.
  • Channels: The channels in the existing group tenant can be made available in the new tenant. This would be including the files which are to be shared in them along with their permissions which were earlier required and metadata.
  • Conversation History: Even when a person using Microsoft Teams decides to change his account but the chats present on the previous account is equally important, he can get his conversation history as well which would include messages, replies, mentions, and even links along with time or date stamp and other metadata
  • Planner: Microsoft Teams gives the business organization a planner which would note all the Task Title, Buckets, Assignees, Progress Labels, Checklists, Start and End Dates which automatically makes the functioning of a business organization easier and smoother as everything is well planned.
  • Third Party Applications: when migrating to Microsoft teams, the usage of third party applications automatically reduces due to the extra benefits provided by Microsoft Office 365. Some people are not aware that the data stored in third party Microsoft office 365 applications can also be transferred when transferring from one account to another account. This is an exclusive feature provided only by Microsoft.
Benefits of Microsoft Teams


Migrating to Microsoft teams is probably the new trend in the world. Business organizations are migrating from Skype to Microsoft Teams and educational organizations are migrating from Zoom to Microsoft Teams due to safety issues. Migrating to Microsoft Teams may look difficult but with the proper use of Microsoft office 365 applications and keeping in mind the above points, anyone can easily get accustomed to using Microsoft Teams within a span of a few days. In the present world, the number of organizations migrating to Microsoft Teams is being increasing day by day and there are also chances which say it is soon going to eliminate all the competition in the market.

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Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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