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Understanding The Impact Of COVID-19 On The Adoption Of Digital Transformation

Digital Transformtion and Covid

The term Digital Transformation is generally used to imply the elaborate yet beneficial process of using digital technologies for creating or modifying the existing business operations, organizational culture, and customer experiences. This complete change in the operational structure allows the organizations to adapt to the changing market trends along with enhancing their productivity. The process is known for transcending the traditional business roles like sales, marketing, and customer services.

COVID-19 and Digital Transformation across the world: A Discussion

To stay competitive and to maintain consistent financial growth, organizations are required for Digital Transformation consulting to adopt strategies and practices in their business and economic environment. This statement has never been tested more than in the post-pandemic world. During the fall of 2019, the industrial sector of the world was unaware of the challenges that it would have to face in the consecutive months to come.

The COVID-19 pandemic did not only bring with it an extreme medical and political crisis but was also accompanied by record-breaking unemployment records, the shutdown of several businesses, and several other complex issues. In the face of such a global crisis, it was essential for all organizations irrespective of their industrial background, to adopt digital technologies to lessen the physical interaction and safeguard both customer and employee health.

The concept of Digital Transformation has been quite important globally in the past decade. But, the onset of the pandemic did not allow the companies a chance of deliberation and pushed their limits into adopting technology to continue their traditional activities. In addition to this, the customers also depicted an increasing inclination towards online channels of buying goods and services.

Digital Transformation Effects

Acceleration of Digital Transformation

This was one of the other reasons that accelerated the process of adapting to digitization within industries. Organizations were pushed towards discovering and implementing creative digital solutions that could allow the businesses to function through the remote access format and help in serving the existing client base.

This change from the traditional to the digital platform had both customer-facing and internal business scene roles. On one hand, the inability to gather in groups forced schools, organizations, and industries to discover ways of communicating, collaborating, and completing regular tasks while working remotely. Contrary to this, customers became increasingly inclined towards receiving their services with little or no contact.

While all these changes occurred within a short period, it was also helpful in driving Digital Transformation into more of a reality than a mere concept.

Read: Digital Transformation In Banking
Read: Digital Transformation In Manufacturing

Digital Transformation Strategy

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Digital Transformation can be enumerated through the following points:-

Increased investment in technology

The post-pandemic world has been witness to the importance of technology in all spheres of life in the contemporary world. Businesses across the globe have been forced to acknowledge the fact that the integration of technology into the existing traditional business structure does not require perfection. It was unanimously accepted by the industrial sector that technological solutions that functioned adequately allowed organizations to run their business among the several governmental ordinances. This led to the adoption and prioritization of technology among organizations.

Read: Microsoft Digital Transformation

Being attentive towards employee-customer experience

The adoption of new technology meant that the organizations were forced to contemplate the employee experience while working with newer technologies. These employees could not be expected to simply make do with the new process of work. In addition to this, the globally recognized brands were motivated to pay attention to the extent to which customers could connect with them easily through a digital platform.

Read: Enterprise Digital Transformation
Read: Digital Transformation In Retail

Redirecting the technological investments

The push towards digitalization has led several organizations to rethink their investments in the technological sector. The reliance on digital technology created in the post-pandemic world has made it essential for companies to develop smart strategies that allow them to invest in the technological structure which would aid in running a digitally equipped business.

Benefits of Digital Transformation

Increased automation to create contactless services

The increased inclination of customers towards buying contactless services has led organizations to adopt automation. Few processes to be tackled directly by employees would allow the organization to create a positive and safe experience for their customers.

Read: Digital Transformation Plan

Enhanced investment in cybersecurity

With the increased dependency on digital platforms for performing the traditional operational processes within the society, there occurs a large transaction of data or critical information. This increases the need to invest in the deployment of cybersecurity measures within the systems of companies and organizations.

Read: Cloud Services for Digital Transformation


On one hand, the pandemic has disrupted the general order of the world, it has accelerated the adoption of Digital Transformation across the globe. While this adoption took place in the wake of extreme medical, political and financial crises, the ultimate payoffs have proven to be worthwhile. This in turn has resulted in big organizations across the world choosing to put long-term strategies in place for adopting digital technologies into their existing system.

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Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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